Effective TV Advertising

TVAdsThere are multiple methods to advertise a business. Print advertising, directories, signage, flyers, brochures, online advertising, and social media are all some of the more common methods to advertise your business. But television advertising is still an effective means of advertising too. TV advertising is considered to have the most impact. While the internet may be overcoming the TV for getting your message out, almost every home has at least one television in it. This is why television advertising continues to stay in the lead.

Television advertising remains effective due to the large audience that it attracts. Almost every American household has at least one television set, and two is quite common. Television is an important part of our day. It can be on from morning until night. The average person watches at least two hours of television a day.

With so many viewers watching television each day, this means that your television ad has a large audience. Your ad is going to be seen by more people than with any other type of media. While not everyone who sees your commercial is going to use your products or services, the odds have certainly increased with a wider audience.

TV advertising can reach a large audience. Sometimes you want only a specific target audience to see your TV ad. TV ads can be targeted to specific customers. This is done by placing your ads on during specific television programs that are targeted to this audience as well. Products targeting teens can be placed on programs shown after school. Housewives can be targeted during daytime programs. Singles can be targeted after 9 pm on the weekends. Families may be targeted with after-dinner programs. By targeting your potential customers your advertising will become more effective.

Another reason why TV advertising is so effective is because consumers are in a relaxed state while watching television, and are open to new ideas. People usually sit down to watch TV after a long day of school or work. It’s their time to relax. They are ready to be entertained. They want to learn new things, and are ready for fun. It certainly helps if your TV ad is fun and engaging. People will be more responsive if they enjoy your ad, and will remember your products or services.

Television advertising also has the additional benefit of being able to show your products or services in action. Closer views from different perspectives can show prospective customers your merchandise, or food, and even your business location. Services such as a salon, contractor, or other types of services can show the workers in action. There is a greater sensory appeal to a television ad than if your customer was looking at a flyer menu, or a billboard along the highway. TV ads can impact buying choices through sight and sound.

If you want to learn more about how you can showcase your products or services with effective television advertising, please contact Direct West Media Group today.

CaradTelevision advertising remains one of the best methods to advertise products, services, and a business. While many cable providers are losing customers in droves there still remains the greater portion of the population who wishes to catch the latest game on TV, watch their soaps and talk shows, and keep up with their crime programs. Families are more likely to have paid cable service, and they’re the ones where television advertising has the most effect. The power of TV advertising remains the best way to engage consumer interest.

For this reason alone television’s share of the global advertising market seems to be increasing, rather than decreasing. Sure you’ll have that portion of the population who is cutting their cable, but usually they’re not your target market anyway. People who have money for cable services have money to spend at your restaurant, salon, shop, and more. So only focus on the stats for actual paid cable subscribers, and ignore the rest.

The ability to use PVRs or DVRs–Personal/Digital Video Recorders has kept many television viewers around. Favorite TV programs can be recorded and watched at their convenience. This means that while TV commercials can be fast forwarded through, the company name, logo, and contact information can still be seen by the viewer. It’s a clever trick to handle that fast-forward function.

TV advertising during commercial breaks for the hottest shows can be extremely effective, as a larger proportion of viewers are tuned in to find out what happens to the characters on their favorite shows. It may be difficult for the smaller business to grab these spots though, as the waiting list can be long due to popularity.

They may also cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for merely a thirty second spot. But don’t let this dissuade you from advertising. There are thousands of programing choices that may make the perfect placement for your ad. Local television stations are your best focus for affordable television advertising.

Television has remained the media’s most appealing method for businesses to get their message out to consumers who are sticking around at home watching television. So, just how can television effectively market to consumers? Television advertising can pinpoint target audiences. Businesses understand who their target market is. Bars and lounges may place ads on shows that are popular with the young adult market. Law firms may place ads on spots for crime shows. Beauty salons may place ads on TV programs that young women like to watch.

Magazines and newspapers are folding across North America as the internet takes hold. With fewer advertising print options to choose from, this leaves the business considering advertising their product or business on the local network. And even with print there’s no guarantee that your customers will actually read the flyers and brochures they receive in the mail. Oftentimes they get tossed in the trash. So, while a person can walk away from commercial advertising, or fast-forward, the details of the ad will still flash through their mind.

That’s all it takes: A short television ad to provide the power of suggestion. Contact Direct West Media Group today to find out more about the power of TV advertising.

How to Extend Your Reach

Business owners may be under the delusion that they should only advertise or market their business with one form of media. Perhaps you advertise your company in your local newspaper. You have a basic website and Twitter account set up. But the more avenues you use, the wider the reach to your audience.

What are some different methods to advertise or market your business? Wading through the options can take some time. Most businesses have a website but you’d be surprised at how many don’t. With today’s tech savvy shoppers, if you’re not online, you’re likely not going to get a visit.

Today, a savvy shopper will do their research before deciding if your business is worth a visit. They’ll check Yelp and Google Reviews to see your rating. They’ll visit your business’s website to see the range of services and products you provide. Can they order products online? How about ordering services? Can they order a meal online for takeout? If you run a restaurant, the menu should be posted online.

Customer testimonials posted to your website are a great way to advertise. Reading favorable reviews can draw someone to your business. You can place comment cards on your counter and offer a prize draw at the end of the month, to people who filled out the comments form.

Many small business owners refuse to use social media, claiming it’s a waste of time. But if you’re a business owner, and you ignore the value of social media, you’re missing out on a whole different consumer market. There’s thousands of social media sites, but Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google +, and Tumblr are holding steady for being the most popular.

Each social media site draws their own niche crowd. Social media can be used to promote your business. Once you’re set up, accounts should be updated daily. If you have coupons or specials, they can be posted online. If you have a shopping club card, you could talk about it. You may want to post photos of merchandise. Social media accounts don’t need to constantly promote your business. You can provide some fun articles and photos here too. For example, if you run a catering company, you could have a blog with party ideas. That way you’re not tiring your audience with constant chatter about coming in for a visit.

Video killed the radio star may be true, but podcasting is in, particularly with the younger crowd. Listening to radio and audio over the net has been steadily growing. There are many popular podcasts to listen to. And, advertising on a podcast is one of the options to advertise your business. It can be a whole lot cheaper than advertising on your local radio station too. So, give this a consideration.

Large format visual display billboards are often overlooked by small business owners. They are a highly effective way to reach that part of your audience who doesn’t have time to be online. They’ll effectively advertise your business on billboards near popular transit flows.

Television ads don’t have to be expensive. Most cities have a local cable channel where they run local programming. You can have an affordable 30 second spot and your message will directly reach your target market.

You can see that there are several different advertising and marketing models for you to choose from. Please contact Direct West Media Group Inc. and they’ll help you organize the best marketing plan for your business.