customerserviceIf you’ve been in business for any length of time, you’ve realized that you’re not going to be able to please 100% of your customers 100% of the time. You’ve got to expect that you’re going to get a bad review or two on online review sites, or social media. But there comes a point when you may need to do some serious work in order to repair the reputation of your business.

According to a Neilsen study in 2012, over 70% of consumers believe that online reviews are authentic. These reviews can influence a consumer’s purchasing decision. In the past word-of-mouth often influenced a person’s buying decision, and that can still be applicable today. But the ready access to the net can bring up a review of any product in seconds.

Whether it’s the fault of the business, or the fault of the consumer, it doesn’t really matter once the negative reviews start coming in. It’s time to take charge and do some repair. What are some signs that you may need to have reputation marketing done for your business?

If you have one particularly spiteful consumer, they can post multiple negative reviews on each website, under different user names. These reviews are usually much easier to have deleted, as the ISP trail can be tracked back, but it takes time contacting each site.

If it appears that more than one consumer is in agreement about an imagined wrong-doing on the business’s part, it may be time to ease the public’s mind. If it was a one-time incident, you’ll need to assure the public it won’t happen again.

If there was an issue with your business that repeatedly happened, but now you’ve fixed the problem, you’ll want to get the word out that you’ve changed your products, or your processes, and invite your customers back.

Selling faulty products can make consumers angry. It can be a difficult choice as to whether to mail out replacements, or to remove the product from the shelves. Either way, you’re going to lose money.

Most likely you’ve read in the news about serious infractions, such as refusing service to a person, or firing an employee over being sick, pregnant, or fishing something out of the garbage to eat. These are all recent headlines, and they can damage the reputation of a business, as a corporation is seen as having power over a person. Slights and discrimination are some of the worst ways that your business can be damaged, as masses of people are going to get together to boycott your business. What’s worse is that your business may hold strong morals and ethics, but the beliefs of one employee can tarnish your business.

Direct West Media Group can help you to rebuild a bad reputation through marketing and social media techniques. Contact us today to find out how we can help you get started on creating a positive presence on the net.

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