In the past century the epic story has been blessed by a pope, weighed by the US supreme court, and is now the biggest disappointment in 2016 Hollywood
Please dont call it Has-Ben.
The big-screen remake of Ben-Hur is the 2016 blockbuster seasons biggest disappointment, with losses projected to reach $120m. The film had a $100m production budget, and studios usually dole out at least half production for marketing and often more in the case of would-be hits like Ben-Hur. Its a bad moment to be an accountant at MGM.
It wasnt always thus: Ben-Hur was once one of Hollywoods most reliable chariot-pullers, with no fewer than five adaptations since 1907 two are preserved in the US Library of Congress. The 1880 novel, written by civil war general Lew Wallace, has been adapted into a four-hour TV miniseries by ABC, a Broadway play of similar length, and no fewer than four theatrical films, including the 1959 classic with its notoriously dangerous chariot races.
Wallaces book was the first work of fiction to be blessed by a pope, Leo XIII, and Wallace decided that for religious reasons no one should adapt it. After nine years of promises that they would do it justice, enterprising theater producers turned his head. With an initial, immensely popular stage production, the novel was off to the races, as it were.
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Patricia Phelps
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Jenny Mason
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