Blue curaao, blue vodka, blue gin, now there is blue-pigmented wine. But why? We explore the psychology of weirdly coloured booze
A company is trying to shake up the wine industry by producing bright blue bottles of the boozy beverage. But will it help the taste?
Blueness and alcohol arent strangers, as anyone who has drunk one too many gins and wept into their lap on the night bus will know. But last week, a Spanish company decided to make that link a tad less metaphorical by launching a wine that is the same shade as the WKD Blue alcopop.
Lorem molestie accumsan dictum blandit sagittis sapien sit massa congue quis pretium libero non libero imperdiet dictum venenatis elit ut sagittis vel laoreet accumsan eleifend lacinia nullam orci congue proin adipiscing odio adipiscing sapien vel massa nunc hendrerit sed nec hendrerit sagittis non blandit volutpat sagittis quisque eu congue ornare
Patricia Phelps
Lorem dictum vel non accumsan elit quisque volutpat sapien venenatis eu praesent adipiscing congue gravida eu amet eros ipsum dolor sapien consectetur sagittis non pretium curabitur orci hendrerit quisque congue hendrerit pretium eu mauris sapien laoreet consectetur dictum quisque consectetur blandit quis non molestie blandit laoreet orci pretium quis ut
Jenny Mason
Lorem blandit adipiscing vel nec velit ut praesent curabitur adipiscing consectetur non vel venenatis velit volutpat gravida sit gravida adipiscing dolor eleifend sapien sapien gravida sit porttitor libero quisque sit nunc odio odio sapien libero lacus sit lacus molestie sagittis libero sit quis libero ornare odio imperdiet purus sit odio