Setting goals for your business is an important aspect of your business plan, but did you know that many business owners don’t realize that marketing goals should also be aligned with business goals?
Many small businesses acknowledge that they need help with Google rankings, so they can attract more website visitors, which leads to increased sales. You may be trying to generate more leads through your website email sign up list, in order to increase your sales figures. These are all great goals, but they need some more work, to help you take your business to the next level.
You need to ask yourself more detailed questions about setting values for the number of people you wish to sign up for your email list, your exact sales figure goal totals, and whether you want to be Number One in the Google Rankings, or just on the First Page.
Start by defining actual sales figures desired over a twelve month period. For example, set goals of how many actual website visitors you’re aiming for. Of those visitors, set a realistic percentage that’ll convert into leads, and from those leads, how many actual paying customers will you have. Of those customers, how much income will they bring to your business?
Consider how many sales leads your email list needs to generate. Do you want to focus on providing content for the remaining potential customers on your email list, so they can be a source of sales in the future?
Exactly how high do you need to rank in Google Rankings, and if you can make it to the number one spot, what is your best estimate on how many customers do you think it will bring to your website over the course of a year? Of that figure, estimate what percentage of those visitors will actual purchase products or services through your website.
Exactly how much revenue do you need to generate over the course of one year? Your marketing efforts should be focused on meeting your financial business expectations. Keeping in mind that you need to cover your business expenses, you may need to adjust your expected sales figures.
How much traffic do you need to lead to your website, in order to cover your financial goals? Is your website performing well in that area, or is it dead in the water? It may be time to do an overhaul, in order to attract more traffic. You only have about ten seconds to make a positive impression. A mobile website can also increase your conversion rate, by impressing potential customers through attractive graphics, inviting them to give your business a call.
Set quarterly benchmarks for your business plan. At the end of each quarter you can sit down and see if you hit all targets. If not, where does your marketing plan need to be tweaked? What sort of impact did your marketing budget have on your goals? You many need to refocus your marketing plan.
Now you can see how you’re just taken your business plan to the next level, by aligning marketing goals with your business goals. If you have a separate business management team, then be sure they keep the marketing group in the loop as well. Please contact Direct West Media Group Inc., for help in taking your business to the next level by aligning marketing goals with business goals.