If you’ve been following the information on this Direct West Media Group Blog for any length of time, then likely you have already begun to implement some of our advice. Perhaps you’ve hired DWMG to tackle some of your social media outlets, such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Tumblr. You understand the importance of “getting it done” as opposed to “I’ll do it next month”. For many people, next month comes and goes, and it never gets done. That’s why you hire us to do the dirty work for you.
Now that you’re realized the importance of blogs, articles, text, and content, don’t forget about the value of photographs, graphics, videos, and others sorts of visuals for your online media campaign.
While many people are seeking out unique niche content to provide solutions to the problems they face in life or business, a few visuals helps to increase understanding of your content.
A graphic may better explain the point you’re trying to get across in a sentence. Hiring a marketing professional can help you to increase profits.

Did you stop and have a look at the graphic? Often a graphic is more readily understood than what two or three sentences may spell out for you. A graphic can also provide a break for your eyes. It can get difficult to read that tiny text seven days a week, ten hours a day. Most people work all day and then return home and spend even more hours in front of the computer. The easier you can lighten their burden of understanding, the happier they’ll be.
Graphics and photographs also make a website more attractive than endless columns and rows of text. Just what type of blog do you have? A more research-focussed site may have more text than anything, but most businesses can benefit from displaying photographs of their products, or charts and graphs to help explain to your customers how you can benefit their lives.
Many people who manage blogs may wonder where to find all these free graphics and photographs. You can find suitable ones for your business through a variety of different methods. Often manufacturers will allow you to use their images if you are reselling them on your site.
You can also buy an affordable digital camera and take your own pics. You can even take pics of your employees and post them to your site. It makes it more personable. If you want charts or graphics, you can make them in Microsoft Word or Excel. You can search the Creative Commons website for free images, and photographs. You can also hand draw them onto a piece of paper and scan them in.
Once you begin adding graphics and photos to your blog, you’ll quickly get even more ideas for the following weeks. Start with an empty marketing folder and soon it’ll be overflowing with ideas.
Please contact us at Direct West Media Group if you need help with blogs, photographs, videos, or other types of visuals for your business.