As a small business owner, you have a tight advertising budget. You can’t afford a multi-media campaign like the big businesses. You may be a contractor, plumber, electrician, or even a lawyer. You may have a painting company, or install swimming pools & spas. You likely have under 10 employees at any given time. Running a business is an expensive venture, but you’re starting to see results.

You don’t have to rely on traditional methods for advertising. Sure you may have your Yellow Pages ad, and a listing in Google. But it’s important to extend your reach, so you gain more customers. More customers means you can expand your business, pay off debt, and take a much-deserved break.
One modern method of advertising which you likely haven’t heard of before is called Pay-Per-Sale Advertising (PPS). This type of advertising is strictly performance-based. The only time you pay is after you have made the sale. You simply pay DWMG a commission out of the sales you have made. This is great for those who don’t have the extra capital for a large advertising campaign. You simply pay-as-you-go. You don’t pay for what you don’t need.
Direct West Media Group handles their end of the advertising, and uses their expertise to create landing pages with optimized SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Customers looking for your type of services will search online. They’ll call the number, and DWMG will screen the calls for real customers. DMWG advertises to find customers for you, and then sends you the local calls from interested parties. They generate the sales or service jobs, so you don’t have to.
With PPS online advertising, you can get free online exposure for your business. There’s no monthly expenses or maintenance fees. Your leads will call you directly, and they’ll always be local and located within your city. You won’t have to waste your time with telemarketers or people who are only bored and looking for some way to waste people’s time on the telephone.
DWMG does all the work, spending time creating your online advertising. They find local paying customers for you. You won’t have to worry about handling the advertising yourself. You’re too busy and perhaps you weren’t certain about the best way to market yourself. Let DWMG handle it all for you.
DWMG spends the time handling the inquiries and narrowing them down to real customers who are looking for your services in their city. Now you don’t have to hire employees to handle your telephone calls, when DWMG will handle this aspect of your business for you.
How it works is that after your calls have been screened down to actual interested paying customers, and you have made a sale, you will then pay a commission on that lead. So for every sale that DWMG generates, you pay a small fee. If you aren’t able to convert a lead, then you don’t pay. This is a highly-efficient method of advertising, and it really works.
Let Direct West Media Group handle your Pay Per Sale Marketing, so you can begin to see direct results in your business. When you have higher sales then you can begin to plan and grow your business from here.