Still Room for TV Advertising

With the advent of internet advertising, many business owners believed it would be the death of radio and TV. Radio is still hanging around, and TV advertising is still one of the most effective ways to deliver targeted ads to your audience. Television’s share of local and national marketing continues to engage consumers.

Television is deeply mired in almost every home in the US. It’s become a member of the family. Great new drama, fantasy, and sci-fi shows continue to be popular viewing options for the entire family. The internet, and particularly social media, have yet to cannibalize the market share of television advertising. In fact, the internet may even be giving a boost to TV advertising.

While personalized social media advertising may be the popular mode of choice today, traditional TV advertising remains the perfect avenue for the small business owner.

Viewers have many different options for television advertising. Local and national stations also run ads on their websites, which may make advertising within reach. These may back up ads that are also running on TV. While non-linear television services may have some people worried, there is actually still plenty of room for ad spots.

Non-linear television services may include on-demand websites such as Hulu or Netflix, but also includes PVRs or DVRs. Many consumers will record their favorite programs, and then watch them at a later date. Not only does this open up a wide range of advertising options, it also enables you to target your consumers, yet not have to worry so much about the time of day.

There are even techniques to prevent that “fast forward syndrome” through commercials. Many television stations immediately start ads right after a scene, rather than with a station identifier. They will also lead directly back into the program. Many ads are placed dually, at the end of the scene, and are repeated right before the next scene. This enables the viewer to see the entire ad, despite their prowess on the remote. Many smart advertisers also place ads that can be viewed while being fast forwarded through. If you’re worried about your ad being seen, don’t, as there are many advertising tricks.

Many people still enjoy gathering together with family and friends to watch television movies, sporting events, or their favorite sitcom. Hokey movies such as Sharknado are made solely for television viewing parties.

Yet more proof that television advertising isn’t going anywhere soon can be readily apparent in any technology store. There are hundreds of high definition flat big screen televisions to choose from. There are many more PVRs and complimentary stereo equipment to choose from. Now TVs can be purchased with 3D technology.

Broadcast and cable providers provide the latest high definition programs to their viewers, as they know they must keep up with demand. As long as the television viewer is willing to spend hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars on their equipment, there is still going to be room for television advertising.

Please contact Direct West Media Group to learn more about how to get your ad optimally placed on television.